Sannidhi, presented by Tejas Dance, is a captivating Bharatanatyam production centered around the profound concept of Oneness, intricately woven through various stories and legends of Lord Shiva, utilizing the backdrop of South Indian temples. Conceptualized by Bhuvana Venkatraman and choreographed by Bhuvana Venkatraman & Chintan Patel, this thematic presentation offers an immersive experience that explores the essence of being in the presence of divinity and achieving unity.
The term ‘Sannidhi’ translates to ‘to be in the presence of’ or ‘to be one with,’ signifying the sanctum sanctorum or the Garbhagriha in South Indian temples. This innermost chamber houses the primary deity of the temple. For a devotee, entering a Shiva temple, attaining Sannidhi represents the pursuit of Oneness. However, this production beautifully elucidates that the journey toward Oneness is as significant as reaching the destination itself.
“Sannidhi” takes the audience on an evocative journey, drawing from various narratives and tales associated with Lord Shiva. Through the artistry of Bharatanatyam, each story unfolds, revealing layers of spiritual wisdom and divine connections. The South Indian temples serve as a majestic backdrop, enhancing the spiritual ambiance and transporting the audience into the realm of devotion and unity.
As the performance progresses, the audience is immersed in the pursuit of Oneness, experiencing the fervor and devotion depicted through the dancers’ expressions, movements, and storytelling. The choreography meticulously crafted by Bhuvana Venkatraman and Chintan Patel weaves together the threads of mythology, spirituality, and artistry, guiding the audience through the labyrinth of Shiva’s tales toward a deeper understanding of unity and transcendence.
“Sannidhi: In Pursuit of Oneness” is not just a portrayal of the divine but a poignant reminder that the journey toward spiritual unity and Oneness is an integral part of the human experience. Through the mesmerizing art form of Bharatanatyam, this production invites the audience to delve into the essence of devotion, transcendence, and the eternal pursuit of becoming one with the divine.